Poindus History
Poindus Systems Corp. was founded.



Adoption du processeur Intel Bay Trail-T CR Z3735F (prenant en charge à la fois Android/Window OS) dans notre système POS, notamment VariPAD-W, VariPOS210 et VariPOS300/310.
- VariPAD W : périphérique de poche pour un usage industriel.
- VariPOS210 : léger, transportable, avec prise en charge d’une batterie externe.
- VariPOS300/310 : fonctionnalités avancées et réponse aux besoins des clients avec une imprimante de reçus intégrée.
VariPOS 210 remporte le Red Dot Design Award 2016.

Adopted the Intel® Skylake Core™ Celeron, i3 / i5 CPUs for the VariPOS 240 | 250 | 250i and introduced new design innovations ensuring the VariPOS 2 Series can be implemented in any scenario.
- Adopted Intel® Skylake Core™ Celeron® G3900TE, i3-6100TE & i5-6500TE Processors
- Introduced a new patented double hinged 2nd Display allowing optimal positioning
- Introduced common peripherals compatible across the full VariPOS 2 Series range
A new small 10.1″ display (M185) introduced supporting display port and VGA interface
Introduced two industrial Tablets to compliment to VariPAD W Series. The new Rugged G8s & G10s facilitate industrial & logistic operations like warehouse

The launch of the VariPOS 250s/270s, a new ultra-slim, highly flexible design becomes the latest member of the VariPOS 2 Series family.
- Ultra Slim base with hidden cable management
- Dual hinge design for optimal screen position
- Support for VariIO Advanced I/O Box
Launched a new display size for the VariPOS 2 Series, supplying the option for both 15″ 4:3 & 17″ 5:4, extending the series to VariPOS 250/270, 250i/270i, 250s/270s & VariPPC 250/270.
Adopted the Intel® Kabylake Core™ i5-7300U CPU for the VariPOS 250i/270i, VariPOS 250s/270s & VariPPC 250/270
- VariPOS 250s announced Winner of the 2020 Red dot Design Award
- Launched the VariPOS 256S / VariPPC 256/256i introducing Full HD Capabilities to the POS Market
- 15.6”Full HD Display with the Slimmest (4.8mm) Edge
- 6th & 7th Generation Intel CPU Processing
- Ultra-flexible Stand with hidden cable management
- PPC Pole & Wall Mount Options
- Support for VariIO Advanced I/O Box
- 15.6”Full HD Display with the Slimmest (4.8mm) Edge

The VariPOS 256S won two awards with both the prestigious Reddot & iF Design Awards in 2021
The VariPOS 256S adds to the range of ultra-flexible designs in the VariPOS 2 Series
Launched the VariPOS 256A, offering a new I/O interface to meet Retail & Hospitality demand.